Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday inaugurated the “Maitri Setu” between India and Bangladesh, a bridge built over the Feni river, with Bangladeshi premier Sheikh Hasina asserting that political boundaries should not become physical barriers for trade.
During the online event, Modi also inaugurated and laid the foundation stones of multiple infrastructure projects in Tripura.
Speaking on occasion via video conference, he said Tripura is experiencing the change that has come with the government of “double engine” in the state from the time of the previous government of 30 years.
“The country is also seeing that wherever a double-engine government is not there, you can look at your neighbourhood, policies empowering the poor, farmers and daughters were either not implemented or were moving forward at a very slow pace,” the prime minister said.
He added that the double-engine government in Tripura has empowered the people of the state.
Tripura, which was pushed back by a “strike culture” for many years, is now working for ease of doing business, Modi said.
In a video message played at the event, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Hasina hailed the inauguration of the “Maitri Setu” as a “historic moment”.
“We are creating a new era in South Asia through providing connectivity to India. We are in a region which has remained conservative in opening up and where regional trade is far below potential. I believe political boundaries should not become physical barriers for trade,” she said.
The “Maitri Setu” has been built over the Feni river, which flows between the Indian boundary in Tripura and Bangladesh.
The 1.9-km-long bridge joins Sabroom in India with Ramgarh in Bangladesh.