A great news for Pokemon Go players as the game teases us with the arrival of the “Gen 4” Pokemon. On 12th July 2018, Pokemon Go’s official Twitter made a tweet celebrating its second anniversary, where a new image was posted. Said image included Professor Willow and a few other characters sitting with a bunch of common as well as rare Pokemon.
Although there has been no hint from Niantic on the time of coming of these Gen 4 Pokemon, it can be expected that announcements about it will possibly be made this weekend on July 14 and 15, in Chicago, at the game’s annual in-person event.
Mythical Pokemon Celebi and Mew both make an appearance in the picture, alongside Spark, Candela, Unown, Volbeat, and Illumise, but what caught people’s attention is the appearance of Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup, the starter Pokemon, introduced in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Since these Pokemon are not available in the game yet, it could be a possible hint for the arrival of generation 4 Pokemon. Alolan Dugtrio, another Pokemon currently unavailable in Pokemon Go, also makes an appearance in the promo art.
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl had introduced more than 100 new Pokemon to the game, among which Pokemon like Lucario and Croagunk are quite popular. Compared to “Gen 3” Pokemon, released by Pokemon go last year, “Gen 4” might seem a much smaller bunch, but they have the potential to still keep players interested in the game.
However, it doesn’t seem likely that “Gen 4” Pokemon will be added until the fall of 2019, as any code related to it has not yet been added. Having said that, the possibility of an upcoming surprise this summer from the developers can’t be completely ruled out.