On the occasion of the premiere of Pokémon: Detective Pikachu, the game for mobile devices received several contents based on the first real action tape of the franchise. Although today the event based on the film – concludes, Pokémon GO players should not wait long to enjoy new activities.
Through the official page of the game, Niantic has announced that the game’s latest update has implemented four creatures from the Sinnoh region: Cherubi, Gible, Hippopotas, and Burmy. As if it were not enough, the evolutions of all these Pokémon can also be trapped in nature or obtained by means of eggs.
In addition to the “Living Earth” movement, an earth-living attack that can diminish the opponent’s defenses, the update has also added three new types of Baits Modules: Glacial, Mossy, and Magnetic. These serve to attract Pokémon from nearby areas while creating a temporary special habitat. They can be obtained in the Powerful land-type attack with a chance to reduce the opponent’s defense. Some Pokemon recently arrived from Sinnoh will learn this technique. Other Pokémon with the ability to learn it are Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Aerodactyl, Camerupt, and Claydol.
How do these new modules work? Do glaciers attract water and ice type Pokémon? For this, the players must use the bait in question in the pokie mania and in turning their disc the option of activating the evolution will be made available. In addition, the baits will also attract Pokémon of type Ice and Water, Bug, Poison and Plant and Steel, Rock and Electric, respectively. They are currently available for 200 Pokémon, but in the future, they can be purchased by participating in certain events. Unfortunately, this version of the new update is only available for iOS now but could arrive for Android users too.