Only 11 days remain until the release of the most anticipated Pokemon game of the year, and new Pokemon Scarlet and Violet leaks have already begun creating discussion among gamers.
There have been several new leaks for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, including new unseen Pokemon, starter evolutions, screenshots, and much more. Thus, here is everything that has been revealed so far.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet leaks: All new Pokemons
The list of new Pokemon allegedly found via a data mining leak in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and a few of them along with their types is provided below.
- Sprigatito (Grass)
- Gatrixy (Grass)
- Caliquin (Grass/Dark)
- Fuecoco (Fire)
- Crocalor (Fire)
- Lulligator (Fire/Ghost)
- Quaxly (Water)
- Quaffure (Water)
- Quaxelence (Water/Fighting)
- Lechonk (Normal)
- Jabanquet (Normal/Fairy)
- Tarountaula (Bug)
- Arachbead (Bug)
- Swabbatross (Normal/Flying)
- Captrel (Electric/Flying)
- Flamigo (Fighting/Flying)
- Pawmi (Electric)
- Nurzumi (Electric)
- Marmozon (Electric/Fighting)
- Minimice (Normal)
- Maximice (Normal)
- Wooper (Poison/Ground)
- Toxalotl (Poison/Ground)
- Smoliv (Grass/Normal)
- Doliv (Grass/Normal)
- Idoliv (Grass/Normal)
- Locustice (Bug)
- Swarmada (Bug/Dark)
- Haffus (Dark)
- Barkness (Dark)
- Abheront (Dark/Flying)
- Martilil (Fairy/Steel)
- Hammenina (Fairy/Steel)
- Mallerina (Fairy/Steel)
- Scorville (Fire/Grass)
- Kapiscorch (Fire/Grass)
- Lampoly (Electric)
- Bellibolt (Electric)
- Wiglett (Water)
- Klawf (Rock)
- Vakeroot (Grass/Ghost)
- Constumble (Grass/Ghost)
- Tauros (Fighting)
- Tauros (Fighting/Water)
- Tauros (Fighting/Fire)
- Fidough (Fairy)
- Barkery (Fairy)
- Scaravoyant (Bug/Psychic)
- Awestrich (Psychic)
- Avestrut (Psychic)
- Mawluza (Water/Psychic)
- Dolphino (Water)
- Dolpather (Water)
- Wugtrio (Water/Fairy)
- Burronelia (Steel)
- Girafarig (Normal/Psychic)
- Farigiraf (Normal/Psychic)
- Dunsparce (Normal)
- Abundunce (Normal)
- Cymknight (Fire)
- Armarouge (Fire/Psychic)
- Ceruledge (Fire/Ghost)
- Cyclizar (Dragon/Normal)
- Perichoir (Normal/Flying)
- Saliroom (Rock)
- Chunkloride (Rock)
- Nacliff (Rock)
- Mineroll (Bug)
- Greavard (Ghost)
- Zombark (Ghost)
- Mouspray (Poison/Normal)
Pokemon and Scarlet Violet starter evolution
Fuecoco was leaked together with Smoliv and its starter evolution. Smoliv evolves with a grass-colored frock and olives in its hair. The evolved form of Smoliv is referred to as Dolliv in the Spanish translation of Violet.
The starter Pokémon of the Fire type, Fuecoco seems to have undergone evolution for the first time in a recently leaked image. The first evolution of Fuecoco looks to be a bigger version of the original, adorning a fiery sombrero.
The Paldea Region, which serves as the setting for Scarlet and Violet, is a brand-new Pokémon area inspired by Spain and Portugal in real life. Calor is the name given to Fuecoco’s evolved form in the Spanish translation of Violet.
It should be noted that these Pokemon Scarlet and Violet leaks are from anonymous sources. None of these Pokemon or leaks have yet been confirmed as legitimate, even though everything appears to be real and there is a lot coming from one or two sources right now. So, unless further information is available, they should be considered leaks.