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5 Reasons to hire your next WordPress developer in Europe

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In the early stages of their founding, companies don’t always allocate funds to invest in building a strong and high-quality website. For that reason, they usually choose WordPress as a free open source content management system for creating the website using readily available WordPress themes that are easily managed.

However, this is not as simple a task as it may seem to be. Building and managing a WordPress site is often challenging and it requires a significant amount of experience and skills. Hence it is recommended that you hire a WordPress developer who will take care of all aspects of your website.

But, where to find this type of developer? – A large number of companies these days decide to hire a remote WordPress developer, especially from Europe. This has proven to be a better strategy as hiring a WordPress developer from Europe is a perfect combination of top quality and good pricing.

How to recognize a skilled WordPress developer

Before we dive into the perks of having a developers staff based in Europe it is important to know how to recognize a good WordPress developer. Here are some of the required technical competencies that each developer needs to have:

  • HTML knowledge is mandatory for a WordPress developer
  • CSS – preferably to have a proficiency level of competency
  • Text Editor – mostly used text editors are Sublime, Atom, or Notepad++ for beginners
  • Basic Photoshop – this skill is mainly required for converting PSD to HTML
  • JavaScript – as a basic skill for frontend development
  • PHP – required for backend development
  • Databases – particularly MySQL.

Meeting these requirements should be your pointers for choosing the right WordPress developer for your project or company.

5 Reasons to Hire a WordPress developer in Europe

Due to digitalization and advanced technologies, the possibility of outsourcing development work is often considered by many companies. The growth of the IT industry in Europe combined with the outstanding technical education systems and lower costs of developers has made this area one of the top outsourcing destinations for software development.

Below are the five main reasons to hire your next WordPress Developer in Europe.

1. WordPress developers in Europe are comfortable with remote work

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of IT professionals in Europe have been working remotely for companies based in the USA or elsewhere. Most of the WordPress developers, and all freelancers in general in many countries in Europe, enjoy working from home or a coworking space as this type of work offers flexibility and freedom. This means that companies wouldn’t have to worry about managing or monitoring their work as remote work is not new for IT professionals in the area.

2. Average salary is lower than in the USA

Hiring a WordPress developer in Europe would mean saving money. The average yearly salary of WordPress developers in the USA is $76,526, or over $100,000 for experienced senior developers. In comparison, in Central and Eastern Europe entry-level WordPress developers earn $14,400 yearly on average, while senior developers earn $27,600 per year.

For that reason, it would be much more cost-effective for companies in the USA to hire developers in Europe. On top of that, if you are willing to offer a bit more than the average salaries you would get even better quality workers and still be able to save money. If we take countries like Serbia or North Macedonia into consideration where the costs for a living are lower than in the USA it is understandable that you would get loyal and hard-working employees for a lower rate of pay.

3. European WordPress developers are highly skilled

Higher quality means higher cost. However, this does not apply here. Despite the fact that WordPress developers in some countries in Europe earn less, most of them get a high-quality education and are highly skilled.

As the economies in these countries are lagging behind, the companies don’t have the capacity to provide higher salaries which makes this talent pool consider other options. It is not rare that software developers get freelance projects as side jobs next to their full-time jobs in order to earn an extra income. This makes them more competitive as they are interested in upgrading their skills and get trained for different tasks and areas of expertise. Most developers in Europe are interested in remote work opportunities.

4. Great selection of remote developers

The European developers have an excellent reputation worldwide. Due to the huge demand for WordPress developers, many young people are getting educated and the number of IT professionals is constantly increasing in most countries in the Balkans and in Eastern Europe.

As mentioned above, most of the developers in this area have experience in working on various projects at the same time and can be experts in many fields. Most importantly, they are eager to learn and advance in their careers.

5. Strong language skills – Better communication

As most software developers are looking for remote work and are required to work with foreign clients, they usually have strong language skills and can speak English fluently. This makes communication with clients much easier and helps them understand tasks well and show results. Furthermore, taking responsibility is a significant part of the cultural mindset of Europeans.

Hence, when hiring an IT professional from Europe you can expect a hard-working individual that would quickly understand your requirements and complete their tasks in a timely manner.

To sum up, WordPress developers and all other IT professionals based in Europe surely deserve the attention of companies and businesses in the USA. Among all benefits listed here, we need to mention cultural diversity.

Hiring people from around the world can bring you closer to various cultures and help you learn more about different ways of working and living and it may offer you additional opportunities and show you different perspectives.


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