Last month, Qualcomm unveiled the newest chipset in the mobile industry – the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. The chip succeeded the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 and packed the industry with exhilarating tools. The likes of Asus, Honor, Motorola, OnePlus, Sony, and Xiaomi are crucial partners in developing the chip.
The chip, apart from being a change maker in the mobile sphere, also comes with some exciting features that enhance users’ experience ranging from Dynamic Spatial Audio, support for 48kHz lossless music streaming through Bluetooth LE, and latency at 48ms for gamers.
At the time of launching the Xiaomi 13 series, the Oppo Find X6 series, Motorola X40, the OnePlus 11, Vivo X90 Pro+, and in 11 series were the first six frontline devices that featured the chip. Now, as we just discovered in a tweet from the popular, reliable leaker, Red Magic 8 Pro is said to be the next device equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2.
With the confirmation of Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chip, Red Magic 8 Pro is now the next most important and the first gaming smartphone equipped with the newest chip. At the same time, the device is also the first to launch a front-facing straight screen with a very narrow screen with better concealment. Likewise, the screen is a highlight this time.
Regarding pricing, the Red Magic 8 Pro’s expected price in India starts from ₹62,990. Take a look at Red Magic 8 Pro’s detailed specifications and features. The detailed parameters are as follows: 6.8-inches OLED eye protection flexible straight screen, 16Mp front camera under the screen, rear 50MP+8MP+2MP, 5000mAh/6000mAh dual version + 165W charger, 163.98×76.35×8.9mm, 228g.