As reported by the Digitimes, Apple is said to launch their new editions of the 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro before the year 2023 waves bye-bye. “Apple is expected to ship new models of 14 and 16-inch MacBook Pro devices in the fourth quarter of 2023,” says Digitimes in a new supply chain report, “with mini LED backlighting that can increase the display brightness by 10% compared to the first-generation specifications.”
Speculations about the battery enhancement are that the feature would not be contributing to making improvements to the picture quality but it’s rather there to save power and permit a better battery life. Hence, the Digitimes report conveyed that the new mini LED display could be 10% brighter at the maximum activation, but Apple is aiming at maintaining the current brightness level using minimal battery power. Moreover, it was also claimed that gadgets will be up for shipping in the fourth quarter of 2023.
Apple is constantly working round the clock in order to refine and upgrade the Mini LED and Micro LED for their displays. Meanwhile, a new one joins the canards in the room that the big-time American company is planning to adhere on mini LED for the MacBook Pro range until the year 2026, which could possibly be true as Apple is already in operation to boost the functioning of their Mini and Micro LED.
Nonetheless, the speculations of a new MacBook Pro launch in the coming months of 2023 do not coincide with any recent sources. Though earlier this year, the repeated rumors of a fall 2023 refresh were very loud across several bulletins, it was then contradicted by the recent ones that there won’t be any launch of a new MacBook Pro until next year, i.e., 2024.
Excluding this, another good reason to doubt the report would be the credibility of the source. Digitimes, despite having a remarkable track record for its supply chain sources, has a considerably inadequate one when it comes to the conclusions they have previously drawn regarding Apple’s plans and scheduled programs.
Since there are not any announcements or confirmations from Apple itself, no statements can’t be made with respect to the MacBook Pro launch. What are your thoughts on this one? Will Apple be rolling out their new MacBook Pro this year itself, or should we pack ourselves for 2024 instead? Share your views through feedback.