These days, almost everything has moved to an online, digital platform. From purchasing groceries to buying a car, almost every purchase you make can now be made online. While some love it, others prefer a more old-fashioned, in-person approach. Regardless of your preference, the reality is that businesses must adapt to the new online reality in order to streamline their processes and meet their customer’s needs.
Convenience is digital
Things such as travel, leisure, retail, and even music are some of the industries that have moved online. Providing an online experience for customers can have both positive and negative aspects, so it’s important to work through those carefully to keep up with the rest of the world in a way that is still beneficial for your company.
Naturally, as businesses change and evolve, other aspects of the industry may suffer or die out. For example, when the music industry began offering music online in digital or streaming formats, the CD industry suffered as the technology became archaic. The same can be said for the faxing industry.
As businesses move towards online faxing services, some aspects of the fax industry have also suffered, such as the machines’ manufacturing.
While the fax machine industry as a whole has suffered, the practice of faxing remains a strong, constant requirement for most modern businesses. Despite the onslaught of email taking over the majority of communications within a company, the fax still reigns supreme in certain cases.
For example, sending confidential paperwork or reports is more secure when sent by fax, as opposed to email. The same can be said for paperwork that has signatures, personal medical information, or anything official.

Sending confidential information by email runs the risk of being seen by others, and can be easily forwarded to those outside the intended network. The only person receiving the information with a fax is the recipient to which it was sent, via secure phone number. Faxing is simply a safer and more secure way of sending documents.
Why it’s important
Clearly, faxing is still an important aspect of everyday business because it still exists, despite the proliferation of email as the main form of communication. To keep up, the practice of faxing has also moved online. This ensures businesses can still take advantage of the confidential and secure nature of the fax, while also benefiting from the convenience of online communications.
Online fax services are more than just trying to keep up with the newest trends. They offer so many more benefits compared to traditional faxing services. For one, you are not tied to the machine in the office. With online fax services, you can fax from literally anywhere in the world, using any device, including your mobile phone, laptop, email, or computer.
Faxing online is very easy, if not easier than your usual faxing process. To start, you simply type in the fax number into the email, add the document and then send it. Not only you can send a fax online and save you the cost of printing and machine maintenance, but it also saves time and paper by storing all faxes and confirmation reports online.
Other benefits to using an online fax service include 24/7 customer service assistance for any troubleshooting you require, the opportunity to make your office more environmentally sustainable, and offer convenience to your employees and clients.
With a traditional fax machine, the sender or receiver had first to print the document requiring faxing, be physically standing by the machine, and wait for a confirmation report to print. Then, the paperwork had to be properly filled or stored. Online faxing removes almost all of those steps, by allowing the sender to send information securely with just one or two clicks.
In conclusion, while most things have moved to an online platform, other services are evolving to stay relevant in today’s digital age. Because of the convenience, security, and simplicity, moving your traditional fax service to an online platform is best for you and your business.