Samsung has launched the latest smartphone from its Galaxy A series in India. The new smartphone, Samsung Galaxy A03s, runs on an octa-core MediaTek SoC, and the front of the display comes with a notch design. The display screen is encased inside thick bezels. Since the company has made this smartphone budget-friendly, the bezels surrounding the display is a common thing.
The Samsung Galaxy A03s comes with Android 11 with One UI 3.1 Core. Moreover, the smartphone features a 6.5-inch HD+ Infinity V TFT screen that offers a resolution of 720x 1600 pixels and a 20:9 aspect ratio. The smartphone offers up to 4GB of RAM and up to 64GB of storage which can be expanded using a microSD card up to 1TB.
The back of the smartphone features a triple rear camera setup. The camera setup consists of a 13MP primary sensor with an f/2.2 lens, a 2-megapixel depth sensor with an f/2.4 lens, and a 2-megapixel macro shooter with an f/2.4 aperture. The notch design on its front side houses a 5 MP selfie camera with an f/2.2 aperture. Samsung Galaxy A03s runs on a 5000mAh battery. Connectivity options include 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth v5.0, 3.5m headphone jack, and a USB Type-C port. The smartphone also features a side-mounted fingerprint scanner. Samsung Galaxy A03s measure 164.2×75.9×9.1mm and weigh 196 grams.
Samsung offers the Galaxy A03s in two RAM and storage options in three different colors. Starting price for the smartphone is set at INR. 11,499 (for the 3GB RAM + 32GB memory variant); as for the other storage variant, 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage, it is priced at INR. 12,499. The smartphone is available in Black, Blue, and White colors with a matte finish. It is available for purchase via, leading online portals, as well as across retail stores.