In October 2018, Samsung introduced the Galaxy Book 2. A 2-in-1 notebook/tablet with a 12-inch OLED screen that runs on the Windows 10 operating system. An S Pen is supplied as standard with it, as is a keyboard. Galaxy Book 2 is powered by the Snapdragon 850 processor and received a suggested retail price of $1000. According to a recently issued Bluetooth certificate, it looks like Samsung intends to release a new Galaxy Book soon.
Samsung Galaxy Book S 2-in-1 Windows PC
The Bluetooth certificate that was released on July 24, 2019, shows that it is not the Galaxy Book 3, as many expect. The new mobile device has the model SM-W767 and is called the Samsung Galaxy Book S.
Whether it is a direct successor to the 2-in-1 convertible Laptop launched last year or whether it is an additional variant is as yet unknown. Unfortunately, we are still in the dark about the specifications, at least it is a Windows PC with Bluetooth 5.0.
Earlier this month the rumor arose that Samsung intended to release the Galaxy Book 3 in the third quarter of 2019. This is probably the Galaxy Book S notebook.
In May, Qualcomm announced its new SoC, the Snapdragon 8cx processor. At the time, it was stated that the first Windows and ARM PCs with a Snapdragon 8cx SoC would appear in the third quarter of 2019.
This chipset will probably also be found in the new 2-in-1 from Samsung. This 7nm processor also offers support for the 5G network, although that does not necessarily mean that the Samsung Galaxy Book S notebook will also be a 5G tablet.
The first Galaxy Book was unveiled in 2017. With these 2-in-1 devices, Samsung is competing directly with the successful Surface lineup from Microsoft. But there are more companies with similar products in the range, such as the HP Spectre or the attractively priced Lenovo Flex 6 11.
Samsung has a number of spectacular products on the program in the near future, such as the long-awaited Galaxy Note 10, this flagship smartphone will be unveiled on August 7, 2019. A new smartwatch is also expected, called Galaxy Watch Active 2.
In addition, there is a Galaxy Tab S6 under development. This Android tablet is probably equipped with a stylus pen and a keyboard. It will also be the first Samsung tablet with a dual camera.
We will keep an eye on it for you in the near future.