Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ have seen the daylight and reached users globally. Some of them are facing the touch failure issue at the top or towards the left of the screen.
Tapping or swiping in specific areas such as top or left do not let the system respond. Resolve hasn’t come by restarting or resetting the device. The issue was first reported by a Reddit user Bobdurfob.
The user came up with GIF presentations to show the Samsung Galaxy S9 touch failure issue investigation going on the issue. This as well includes him finding it difficult to type the letters E, R, and T on the keyboard!
The touchscreen failure issue is most common among the S9+ devices, and various online forums have received reports about it so far. Samsung responded to the issue by saying that they are into the investigation and will get back to the affected users with a resolution soon.
No other issue is reported thus far regarding the phones. Are you using one of the two and coming across any glitches? Share your experience with us in the comments below.