Samsung has launched its new Galaxy M20 and Galaxy M10 phones aimed at millennials in India. The Galaxy M10 and M20 both come with an Infinity V notch and a dual camera at the back. The Galaxy M-series, M10, and M20 are the most anticipated launches, and the leaks around the smartphones have been quite detailed regarding price and specifications.
Regarding specifications, the Samsung Galaxy M10 is said to run Android 8.1 Oreo and sports 6.22-inch HD+ display. The phone is reportedly powered by 14nm octa-core Exynos 7870 SoC, with 2GB and 3GB of RAM options. It comes with 2GB or 3GB RAM with 16GB or 32GB storage coupled with a 512GB microSD slot.
The rear camera is 13MP+5MP with an f/1.9 aperture on the bigger sensor. The front camera is 5MP. It has Widevine L1 certification as well to support full HD and HD content on platforms like Netflix. The battery is 3400 mAh with a micro-USB port.
The Samsung Galaxy M20 also runs on Android 8.1 Oreo and sports a 6.3-inch full-HD+ (1080×2340 pixels) resolution. The phone is powered by Samsung’s new Exynos 7904 octa-core processor, which has a 14nm design and can also support a triple camera.
The M20 also comes with 3GB RAM /32GB storage and 4GB RAM/64GB storage with a 512GB microSD slot. The phone has a massive 5000 mAh battery, a type-C USB port, and 15w fast charging. The rear camera is 13MP + 5MP with f/1.9 aperture. The front camera is 8MP. Both the front and rear cameras come with a Portrait mode.
The Samsung Galaxy M10 price in India starts at Rs. 7,990 for its 2GB RAM/ 16GB storage model, whereas Rs. 8,990 for the 3GB/ 32GB model. Samsung Galaxy M20 starts at a price of Rs 10,990 for the 3GB RAM+32GB variant, while the 4GB RAM and 64GB storage option will cost Rs 12,990. The phones will be on sale from February 5, 2019.