Till now we had news that Samsung will not announce the Galaxy S8 launch at Mobile World Congress which is soon going to be held in Barcelona. Tech Herculean revealed that the flagship device is expected to be unveiled at a different event to take place in NYC on March 29. Well, finally we can say that our wait is over and we can easily find out when that launch will happen.
According to a report from Hankyung – Samsung will soon announce the official date of the launch of the Galaxy S8 at MWC. The company will publicize this “happy news” during a press conference which is on February 26. According to news, it is also said that Samsung may also flash its new “coming soon” crown jewel by one minute trailer – it’s not yet confirmed.
Samsung announced that the company will skip MWC this year to unveil its much-talked device Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus after the company completed the Note 7 blunder. Some reports suggest the flagship to have Snapdragon 835-powered chipset and both are expected to feature a curved super AMOLED displays.
There is also an expectation that the Korean company may trench the home button and come with Samsung’s digital assistant called Bixby. Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus will support thinner bezels as well as larger screens and we all are waiting for the good news from Samsung.
© Image: Techtimes