Samsung has opened its magic box again as the upcoming video teaser of the Samsung Galaxy S9 is out. We can see the immense efforts of this company, as the smartphone seems to support some of the unique features. Samsung has released three teaser videos for Samsung Galaxy S9 and Samsung Galaxy S9+.
The video lasts for 15 seconds and promotes the best upcoming features in each teaser video. The first video is about speed. It hints towards excellent camera support, capturing a fast-moving or slow-motion video or pictures.
The second video is shot in the dark, where we can clearly see the deer when that nine comes up on the screen. This means that Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ may have an f/1.5 lens with a variable aperture. Here the company has focused on the users’ issue of shooting their best moments without sufficient light.
The third and the last video features something really exclusive, as we can see this device supporting 3D emoji. This gives us the feeling of ‘Animoji’. Samsung is all set to hit the market with this unique smartphone soon.
The company has yet to disclose information regarding the price and other features. Samsung S9 and Samsung S9+ are expected to release on 25th of February in a press conference at MWC 2018.