Samsung will introduce the Galaxy S10 series at the end of November. The new smartphones must be groundbreaking in terms of functions and design. The new flagship models will be exhibited at MWC 2019. It is possible that Samsung will introduce an interesting product at this exhibition.
Samsung Star 10
At the end of November, Samsung filed a trademark with the USPTO (the United States Patent and Trademark Office) for the brand name Star 10. The trademark was accepted on 20 December 2018 and also filed with the EUIPO (European Intellectual Property Office).
Star 10 by Samsung
It remains unclear for the time being what the Star 10 will be exactly. It sounds like a high-end product. It is also noteworthy that the Korean manufacturer filed a trademark for the name Star 10 by Samsung on 26 November 2018 in Spain. This brand name has the same description.
It is possible that the Samsung Star 10 will also be introduced in Spain, in which case we will soon think of the MWC 2019, where the revolutionary Galaxy S10 is also expected. Will it be an accessory for Samsung’s new top model? Given the name ’10’, this is certainly not unlikely. Or is it even the name of Samsung’s 10-year jubilee model?
This seems less logical. Finally, you expect when 10, the Galaxy S model still reflected the name ‘Galaxy’. However, a trademark for Samsung Galaxy Star 10 has not been requested. Although the word ‘Star’ would be a good replacement for ‘Galaxy’, that aside.
The company has also released several Samsung Star phones in the past; the first device appeared in 2009. Then brings us immediately another alternative. There has been a persistent in recent months that the Korean manufacturer is developing a gaming smartphone.
It is still unclear within which series this device will fall, possibly that it is released within the Galaxy A-series, although it is, of course, possible that this smartphone gets the name Star 10.
In any case, we will have to be patient; probably in the first quarter of 2019, we will hear more about this mysterious product.