Samsung is just two weeks away from launching its latest Galaxy Note 9 in the market. The company has already showcased the new smartphone by releasing videos. The previous teaser hinted that the new smartphone will have a bigger battery and the latest two new videos have suggested two other features.
Galaxy Note 9 is expected to be faster than its rivals and will have bigger storage options. Along with these, Galaxy Note 9 is expected to come with 8 GB of RAM and 512 GB of inbuilt storage and some reports have claimed that the smartphone will be powered by a Snapdragon 845 SoC.
Samsung has posted 30-second videos on YouTube. One video flashes the words “Never have enough storage? A lot can change in a day” and the other video says “Phone too slow? A lot can change in a day.” The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 will be available from 24th August but the smartphone will be available for pre-order until 23rd August. Note 9 will longer need the DeX Pad, the accessory that offers a desktop experience.
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 will only require a USB Type-C cable and a display port adapter to connect to a bigger display and it will also sport a new S Pen. Many previous reports had claimed that the S Pen will double as a Bluetooth controller for the Galaxy Note 9. In addition to these, the leaked images show a Protective Silicone Cover, Clear View Cover, LED View Cover and Silicone Cover of the Galaxy Note 9. The Protective Silicone cover will upgrade the Galaxy Note 9 with a military-grade protection. The Galaxy Note 9 will be available in black, blue, brown and purple.