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Satellite 6 And Satellite 6B Under SpaceX Initiative to Take Off on Nov 2020

The Sentinel 6 mission, also known to be Jason CS or the Jason Continuity of Service is going to be the upcoming satellite which is being developed under a collaborative work amongst NASA, European Space Agency, European Organization for the Exploitation of the Meteorological Satellite, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Named after the former director of NASA’s Earth and Science department, Michael Freilich, the Satellite 6 is an initiative headed under SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and it is supposed to comprise of two specific satellites, named to be the Satellite 6 and Satellite 6 B respectively.

For the past 30 years, it has been known for providing accurate data on the sea level rise and climate change’s advent without interruption, beginning from its journey in 1992.

However, as the director of the Earth and Science department, who has been pioneering the oceanographic data and research, this direct influence from him is an attempt to gather accuracy in detecting changes of the sea level within a few meters of distance covering almost a massive part of the world oceans.

Earlier, the Poseidon has received various accolades on the ground of its highly precise data accumulation centered upon the distribution of heat, water vapor, and carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere around 1992. And this time around, Satellite 6 and Satellite 6B is about to take a giant leap in extending Poseidon’s efficiency by formulating 30 years record of sea-level rise and its influence over the sea.

Waiting to begin its journey from 202O, onwards in the month of November, the Satellite’s expedition is supposed to continue between 2025 to 2030.

Official reports suggest that marking the launch site for this mission in Vandenburgh Air Force Base in California, many nearby regions might be experiencing a loud grumbling noise during the topic, specifically people living in Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo as well as Ventura.

The entire journey will be recorded and live-streamed around 9:17 AM according to the Pacific Standard Time and people interested to witness this can easily stream in and view the expedition.

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