Steal most of the Tiles, Take Over the Board with these Scrabble Pro Tips

Irrespective of whether you are a newbie or a seasoned professional, one common thing you can certainly agree on, is that board word games are all about establishing an effective point-scoring strategy. After all, there is nothing more embarrassing and infuriating when you are unable to construct a valid word using a handful of consonants and vowels.

This is precisely why word board game tips are extremely handy and crucial if you want to save yourself the embarrassment, but most importantly for ensuring your score the highest figure possible whenever you make a move on the board as well. You may cheat using popular word unscrambler like instawordz, that’s ok for beginners and mid-level players. Yet, to grow as a real pro, you got to be a word master.

These pro tips are constructed to assist every word board game enthusiast in helping them utilize the maximum efficiency out of their tiles and take over the game. 

Master the art of perfecting the 2 and 3-word plays

When it comes to word games, more tiles do not necessarily mean better scores. In fact, if anything, it is the complete opposite. You can easily score a hefty double-figure just by using 2 or 3 tiles, of course, if you know where to insert them. Making a two or three letter parallel plays using the pre-existing letters is the simplest way to elevate your score, and can be extremely fun as well.

Hence, it is of utmost importance that you familiarize yourself with some of the common 2 and 3 letter words if you’re serious about your game scores. 

Make parallel plays

In a standard board game, parallel plays will always have the upper hand as compared to the traditional plays. This is primarily because such plays allow you to harness the optimum efficiency of all the idle high point tiles just dangling around. These plays ensure you score the highest points just by using some suitable tiles below/above the already played words, especially if you can ensure yourself a double or triple word score. 

Identify the hooks

No, not the literal hook, but rather a word that can be further extended by adding a suitable prefix or suffix. The most common representation of a hook is the letter S (pluralizing a word). But instead of simply wasting away your S tile, make sure you have a valid prospect of forming another high-scoring word by using the tile, most preferably a perpendicular line word that can make use of the double and triple word score. 

You can do the same for playing a valid single-letter prefix as well. 

Unscramble the Bingo word 

In case, you didn’t know, Bingo refers to the venture in which a player succeeds in using up all the tiles to create a valid word; hence, securing the extra bonus score. As much fun and appealing the idea may sound, it comes to no surprise that constructing such mammoth words isn’t the easiest job by any means. However, there are some specific and systematic tips to help you unscramble the letters efficiently, and form a bonus bingo word. 

You can start by separating out the common prefix and suffix letter pairs such as UN, RE, CO, DE, and ING, ED, LY, TION, ER, etc., respectively.  This helps immensely in easing the process of scrambling 7 letters at once.

Preserve the key and rare tiles 

Not every tile play identical roles in word board games. For instance, tiles such as an S or a blank tile are rare and extremely beneficial, as well. These two tiles in specific can pave the way for ensuring a high scoring point due to their incredible versatility. They can be used almost with every word either as a hook to play your bingo word or just to pluralize an already hefty word. The general rule is to preserve the blank tile unless you can score at least 30 points off it, and at least 10 points for S tile.   

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