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Simplygon Introduces Computer-Aided Design Users to Mixed Reality

Oindrila Banerjee
Oindrila Banerjee
A English Literature student, love reading books, love literature and history, and enthusiastic about travelling. She likes to read random pieces of information and like watching films. She likes how refreshing it is to learn something new everyday. Her goal is to earn enough to take a trip round the globe.

Citing the example of the portability of music and other digital media files by virtue of the developments of audio encoding technology, Simplygon has announced its investments to support the extensibility of 3D content across screens and into mixed reality.

Static, animated, simple, and complex 3D content types are very important to transformative mixed reality experiences. Keeping this in mind, Simplygon has invested in supporting GL Transmission Format (glTF) (popularly known as “JPEG of 3D”) as an industry-standard 3D file format. Apart from this, the company’s investment aims to bring Simplygon’s 3D asset optimization and decimation services into the Microsoft family.

What audio encoding technology did for media files; Simplygon is trying to do for 3D content. Its new technology allows CAD users to create 3D content on their PC in JT or STEP formats, transcode and optimize via Simplygon, and distribute their work to their preferred device endpoint.

Today, I am excited to announce that Simplygon has added compatibility for JT and STEP file formats, which are pivotal to the productivity of CAD professionals. The addition of two of the most common CAD file formats brings automation of 3D optimization to customers across many industries. As the enterprise increasingly embraces the era of digital transformation, CAD support for Simplygon empowers more industries to painlessly and efficiently bring their existing assets into mixed reality. – Lorraine Bardeen, General Manager, Mixed Reality Experience

JT and STEP are two of the most common ISO standard CAD file types and, apart from being used heavily in manufacturing industries, are also fundamental to solving 3D problems. While JT files, used heavily in product lifecycle management software, is primarily used to analyze and augment the geometry of complex models; STEP, or Standard for the Exchange of Product model data, is primarily used to share 3D models between users with different CAD software packages.

Simplygon Cloud is available in Azure Marketplace today.


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