“Sleep Inn is committed to ensuring guests enjoy a restful experience, which has become even more important today as they seek tranquil environments and peace of mind when returning to travel. We’re thrilled to collaborate with Relax Melodies to bring guests a personalized sleep experience that helps them ‘Dream Better Here’.“
This is not the first time that we are seeing mushrooming of various relaxation apps that conduct meditation sessions and promote a better lifestyle structure.

A world that is always on the run hardly finds time to relax. The shimmering skyscrapers surely speak of the economic boost of a developed country but only at the cost of showing just a little bit blue of the sky.
Naturally, today’s generation is battling the continuous ebb and flow of uncontrolled emotions. While people still have the option to book an appointment with their therapist, it remains a taboo in significant parts of the world. Needless to say that they take refuge in these apps for a healthier lifestyle.
But for a travel franchise like Sleep Inn to sign a deal with Relax Melodies, intending to offer better sleep experience for their travel guests is an absolute out-of-the-box.
Travelers are almost always looking for a better experience during their tours. But a goodnight’s sleep might not be a regular experience. With their sleep-inducing sound mixes, bedtime stories, and a meditation session produced by Relax Melodies, Sleep Inn not only assure a tranquil travel experience but has shown the most thoughtful gesture by giving access to their employees as well.
The sound vibrations strategically stimulate the five senses helping one to fall into a deep sleep gradually. Its display comes with soothing colors and nature-inspired background help to intensify the meditative state of mind.
For this renowned brand, running over 400 sleep in hotels in the United States and Canada. It also solidifies the booming sleep technology in the market as well as promoting itself to pioneer a stress management field in tourism. With the sudden set in pandemic induced anxiety, travelers still hold the risk of contamination.
In an anxious time coming ahead, such an endeavor encourage wellness and a better lifestyle. On this, Relax Melodies CEO and co-founder Simon Alex Bérubé says, “Our collaboration with Choice Hotels fits our mission to bring better sleep to as many people as possible, especially at a time of increased stress.”