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Smart tips to be a pro in essay writing

Essay writing is a generic term to which every student is familiar with. 

Whether you are a school going or a graduate, you have come across the daunting task of creative writing now and then. And many students find this task deluging. An essay is primarily the presentation of the authors’ ideas and opinions. It must be composed enough to convey a single topic to the audience.

For some people, writing is as simple as a flow of thoughts. But for some, it’s challenging to write down their stream of emotions and feelings. That’s why there are some very accessible websites like domyessay.com who help people with professionally written essays. They can ease your burden and problems of late submissions. Students from all over the world can use this advanced and custom essay writing services, and consume their time in studying and doing something productive. Not delaying further, here are a few useful tips that can help you improve your essay writing skills.

1. Choose the essay type

To convey your subject most tangibly, one must choose the type of essay they’re planning to write. Each type of essay serves a distinct purpose. Some tell a story, some explain, and some aim to alter the opinions in the form of arguments.

• Narrative essays

Narrative essays are just like storytelling and recreation of experience through time. It can describe your own knowledge or can reflect someone else’s involvement in the form of a story, along with a conclusion and the lesson learned.

• Descriptive essays

Descriptive essays depict the characteristics of a subject that how a particular object looks, sounds, smells, feels like. Such articles make the reader feels like he/she is present in the scene.

• Expository essays

Expository essays are a multi-paragraph essay with a specific structure. Such essays hook the reader’s attention by providing knowledge about a particular topic with the help of facts, statistical information, causes, and examples.

• Persuasive essays

Persuasive essays are used to convince the reader about a specific idea or focus. They could be based upon anything about which you have an opinion. It uses logic and reasoning to convey that one idea is more valid than the other

2. Brainstorming & research

Writing can be the core task, but a thorough understanding of the topic is a must. So brainstorming is the process through which one must come across the way to look into an essay topic. It includes:

  1. Taking a piece of paper and jot down whatever idea comes to the mind.
  2. Write down the main topic in the center and make bullet points out of it
  3. Arrange these ideas and connect the facts and examples you have written in the form of side notes.

Along with brainstorming, conduct broad-based research on a relevant topic. Learning to filter through ideas is a crucial task. Because of the shortage of time and deadlines, students cannot go through each issue in such detail. The importance of custom writing services can help you write an article that sounds promising within the given time.

3. Pick a topic

After getting an overview of the essay assigned, you will be more convenient to choose a better and relevant topic. An academic subject must be sufficiently focused on a rational argument to be made about it. Most of the time, one may have a topic assigned, or, you are free to think outside the scope and let the free thoughts flow through your mind.

Then define your purpose, that how can you make this essay interesting, should it be informative or persuasive?

So once you have determined the purpose of your essay, you would need to do some research on the topics you find captivating. Now it’s time to narrow down your focus. Once you have jotted down the relevant list of topics, it’s time to choose the best one that serves the purpose of your writing and communicates well with the audience.

And the last thing about evaluating the topic is making sure that you are interested in the subject.

4. Make an outline

Before you start writing down your essay, you need to organize your thoughts into a proper outline. So that every idea must be discussed separately with appropriate references and examples. 

An outline is just like a skeleton of your essay. This frame serves as a foundation for your paper. Based on which further ideas and examples could be laid down. It could be in the form of an outline or a diagram.

If you prefer to make an outline, write down your topic at the head of the page and begin to list your ideas under different headings. And then divide them into the following paragraphs:


 (make sure your introduction hooks the attention of the readers. It can contain a dialogue, a quote or a topic summary)

Body paragraphs 

(including statistics, facts, and figures. With the help of which, you can create a better understanding of the topic.)


(it must close up the topic and summarize the prior arguments)

5. Proofreading

Sentences and the vocabulary are the hallmarks of good writing. 

When you are done writing, revise for technical errors, check grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Review the instructions for your essay and make sure you have chosen the right format.

Make sure to stay versatile in your writing because writing the same words, again and again, can make it boring and dull. You should make sure that every part of your essay fits together, cohesively, and logically. Even the best-written articles fail because of ineffectively placed arguments.

In the end, one must emphasize the fact that creative writing skills do not happen by chance. It needs practice! Practice! And practice, along with proper planning and research. So try writing sample essays on various topics, because a bit of regular exercise at first can make your samples a Masterpiece.


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