At CEATEC 2019 Sony demonstrated its 3D imaging tech that could save lives. Sony Olympus Medical Solutions a joint venture went on to develop two systems that can help physicians and medical personal get a clear view of the patient’s body parts.
CEATEC 2019 is underway in Japan and more than just the usual tech trade show, the event has an underlying theme that promotes a rather idyllic and ambitious vision of the future. That future relies heavily on technologies like the cloud and AI and understanding this Sony wants to demonstrate its pursuit of delivering social value through its technologies in light of the Society to better the human condition and also save lives.
Advances in medical technology have led to the spread of minimally invasive surgery using endoscopes that are less burdensome for patients and surgery performed while watching monitor images, and there is a need for higher image quality in video systems. Sony contributes to high-quality, high-efficiency medical solutions in hospitals through a wide range of equipment, from operative field cameras to monitor surgical sites to monitors and recorders. Various technologies in fields such as image sensing, optics, 3D, 4K, color gamut, and transmission are applied.
The 4K 3D surgical microscope system creates a more natural 3D image of, for example, a person’s brain using compact systems that reduce the strain on both doctor and patient. The two companies, Sony and Olympus, seem to compensate for what the other lacks and merge their competencies into products that improve and save lives.