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SpaceX Dragon Cargo Cabin Successfully Returns to Earth

SpaceX’s ambitious Dragon Spacecraft rings in the good news of the successful completion of another International Space Station mission (CRS-15). And, according to Nasa Spaceflight, it has landed successfully on August 3, on the Pacific Ocean in local time.

As per IT House, SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft was launched on June 29, carrying a massive 2,697 kilograms of cargo to the International Space Station, which included experimental materials, spacewalking equipment, artificial intelligence jointly developed by IBM and Airbus. Space X, the private space company founded by entrepreneur Elon Musk put out Dragon as the first private aircraft to berth with the ISS. The latter as termed by IBM was touted “the first AI companion of human beings in space.”

The first cargo demonstration flight of Dragon occurred in May 2012, and the commercial flights followed shortly. As it stands now, SpaceX currently holds the contract with NASA to do 12 robotic supply flights to the station for a minimum amount of $1.6 billion.

On August 3 this year, after 6 pm, the spacecraft returned to the cabin successfully in the East Coast time, landing the Pacific Ocean. As per NASA, it is anticipated that it will need two days to move the return capsule to the port and take away the returned materials for the operations that are next in line.


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