Disney’s upcoming animated show, Star Wars Resistance, has released its first trailer. As announced earlier in the year, the apparently light-hearted adventure about becoming a resistance pilot is being steered by creator Dave Filoni of ‘Clone Wars’ and ‘Rebels’ fame. It stars Kazuda Xiono, an emotive novice who appears to be a little over his head.
The show’s one hour premiere is all set to air on Disney Channel, DisneyNOW, and Disney Channel VOD, with subsequent airings on Disney XD, on October 7th, 2018.
The premiere begins with the start of Xiono’s mission to spy on the First Order on a planet filled with new aliens. Xiono, who happens to bear a close resemblance to Bolin from The Legend of Korra, lives with a friend of Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac voices). And as such, viewers can expect to see some familiar faces along with a number of new characters. The resourceful BB-8, for instance, might be Xiono’s companion throughout his adventures, set before the events of The Force Awakens.
From the trailer, it appears that the show is going to have its own distinctive cel-shaded animation style, inspired by anime. With Disney’s streaming service estimated to be up and running by late 2019, Resistance shall be joined by the live-action series from Jon Favreau which was announced in fall last year; along with the return of The Clone Wars, an additional 12-episode arc, which had a surprise reveal at San Diego Comic-Con in July.