Considered as the direct competitor to WhatsApp by many, Telegram has just reached its 5.0 version on Android, just over a month after the version 4.0 was made available to iOS users, bringing interesting implementations to make its interface more user-friendly.
Telegram version 5.0 new features include custom language support, allowing translations to be done collaboratively, and the inclusion of Instant View 2.0 for viewing web pages.
Compared to the previous version, Instant View 2.0 now supports languages that are written right-to-left (such as Arabic), block related articles, image links, tables, and more. In the interface change, the design has a news reformulation of profiles, general settings, and notifications, as well as quick access to shared media introduction.
Below, are the detailed new changes coming to version 5.0, according to Telegram itself:
1. Support for custom languages. Collaboratively create a language pack for the Telegram in any language using the translation platform.
2. Instant View 2.0. View web pages instantly with enhanced support for more types of content.
3. New design optimized for profiles, notifications, sounds, and general settings. Profile pages provide quick access to shared media.
4. Fix messages in small groups and saved messages.