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The top 5 health & fitness apps for iPhone

Rahul Bhagat
Rahul Bhagat
Rahul Bhagat is a Digital Marketer and strategist with more than 7 years of experience in Marketing, SEO, Analytics, Marketing Automation and more.

Using your iPhone to help you get fit, relax, and even manage health conditions is a great way to get more from your device. And there are apps on the market now for iPhone and Android phones to help you with all kinds of aspects of health, fitness, and wellbeing.

From helpful apps like that can help you to stay on top of specific health matters like hay fever, through to calorie counting apps for weight management and fertility tracking apps for women, there are so many things you can install with iOS to gain the best control over your health and wellbeing.

Here, we take a look at five of the best health apps you can currently find for iPhone:

1. Insight Timer 

Meditation has been shown to be beneficial for all kinds of people and can be a good thing to include in your daily routine. Mediating can help with sleeplessness, anxiety, and general stress management. It can also be a refreshing way to take a break. Meditation can also help people with focus and creativity, and so there are lots of reasons to give it a try.

There are plenty of apps that can help you practice meditation, by offering guided meditation and sounds that can help you meditate. One of the best and most highly recommended meditation apps for iOS (though it is also available on Android) is Insight Timer.

This app lets you choose how long you want your meditation session to last and pick the background ambient sounds you prefer. It also has over 6,000 hours of guided meditations available for you to use. This means you can stick to your favorites or have a new experience every time. Insight timer has both a free ad-supported version and an ad-free paid version you can find on the Apple Store.

2. Allergycast 

If you suffer from allergies, an app that accurately predicts the likely severity of your symptoms can be helpful. Allergycast looks at local weather forecasts based on your current location. It tells you what pollen types are in the air on a given day. And it also offers personalized insights and trends based on symptoms you track using the app. For a list of other useful allergy tracking apps, visit Allergy Forecast Today.

3. D-Minder Pro 

Vitamin D deficiency can be a serious problem, and this year, with people spending less time outdoors than usual as a result of the pandemic, it is more important than ever to be aware of if you are getting enough sunlight every day, and if you need to consider vitamin D supplements.

D-Minder Pro monitors how much time you spend outdoors compared to the conditions outside and keeps track of your exposure to sunlight. This app is free with in-app purchases. So there’s no reason not to get started keeping track of your natural vitamin D needs.

4. Clue 

The Clue is a period tracking app for women that can show when your next period is due and your ovulation window, which is helpful if you are trying for a baby. What makes Clue perhaps more useful than all the other good menstrual cycle tracking apps is that it also allows you to enter your own data about your mood and energy levels. It can then help you understand when and if you experience PMS and predict when you might have this so that you can manage it better.

PMS can vary a lot in terms of the symptoms, and when in the cycle, it experiences between individual women. So by basing its predictions on your own experience and data, Clue can help you understand your own cycle better.

5. Sworkit 

With many people having their usual exercise plans disrupted by things like gyms being closed during the pandemic, finding ways to exercise at home can be really important. While there are many options for at-home workouts, both with apps and with things like workout videos on YouTube, having something like Sworkit that you can fire up for a quick and easy workout any time you like can really help you to include enough exercise in your day. This is certainly the perfect app to pair with tips from airbeneathmyfeet.com for the best experience.

Sworkit has easy-to-follow exercises at all different intensity levels, including HIIT sessions and bodyweight exercises. You can customize your sessions to include the things you want to focus on. It will guide you through the correct form for each exercise, just like a personal trainer. So it is ideal for beginners and people looking for something to replace the gym. With exercises of different lengths, it can also be good to use as a way to take breaks if you’re working from home.

These are five very different and interesting apps for health that you can install on your iPhone today!


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