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WeChat Windows 3.5.0 Released, Live Broadcasts, Swipe Video Account

Yusuf Balogun
Yusuf Balogun
Yusuf is a law graduate and freelance journalist with a keen interest in tech reporting.

Today, the Chinese multi-purpose instant messaging, social media, and mobile payment app, WeChat, has officially released a new version, 3.5.0 Windows.

The social media platforms shared the development via its official website stating WeChat 3.5.0 for Windows brand new release, new video account, explore favorite videos and live broadcasts, fix some known issues; other than that, nothing else is mentioned.

A “video account” option has been added to the leftmost function bar in the latest version of WeChat, from which one can access the content area of the WeChat video account.

The video number’s Windows version is nearly identical to the mobile version, including video suggestions and live broadcasts, as well as additional columns covering entertainment, music, life, knowledge, cinema and television variety programs, sports, travel landscapes, food, gaming, and more.

One can also search for the content you desire at the top of the video account. The general design of the frame is extremely straightforward.

The Chinese social media platforms upgraded the Windows WeChat 3.2.1 beta version in March of last year. Users can now watch the video account video, and live broadcast shared in the chat. However, the video account entry is still missing and can only be accepted passively. Feature updates are extremely important for improving the experience of using WeChat on a PC.

In 2011, the Chinese multi-purpose instant messaging, social media, and mobile payment app were developed by Tencent and became the by Tencent. First released in 2011, it became the world’s largest standalone mobile app in 2018, with over 1 billion monthly active users.

WeChat is multifunctional, allowing you to submit your latest selfies and photos in addition to file sharing and conversation.

WeChat provides you with a low-cost messaging service. If you sign up for an account using your mobile phone number, you’ll never have to pay for airtime for messages.

One can view who’s already using it from your contacts with only one quick sync. WeChat is great for sharing files with friends and coworkers but doesn’t support video or audio.

WeChat is also available on PC, allowing you to make use of the file-sharing feature, which allows you to transfer any file type. It looks and feels the same on PC as it does on mobile, so you won’t be confused about how to use it. You must first download the mobile app to utilize the service on a PC.

It’s simple to sync mobile and computer apps. A QR code will appear on the computer version, which you must scan with your mobile device. However, once synced, you’ll be able to connect with your phone’s contacts.



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