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6 Ways Well-organized People Get More Done Every Day

With more demands on our day-to-day schedules than ever before, juggling all of the responsibilities of life is tremendously difficult. Between work, home life, relaxation, errands, exercise, and/or parenting, most people ultimately sacrifice select tasks, desires, or even responsibilities in order to make it all work.

However, some people are capable of unlocking the most efficient uses of time on a daily basis, making it possible to do more with less. Most successful people have one thing in common: they know how to get more done in the same amount of time that we all have available.

Being organized and efficient is a key component in being more productive: let’s look at six specific ways that well-organized people manage to get more done every day.

Establish clear dos and don’ts

Successful and well-organized individuals make do with the time they have, just like everybody else – but they create more efficiency with each passing minute, hour, and day. One of the simplest ways to accomplish such benefits is to create a list of daily tasks.

Anybody who is wanting to know how to be more productive must understand that impulses exist for everybody. Whether it be checking emails, watching TV, or taking time to focus on alternative activities throughout the day, it is vital for individuals to know which habits are productive – and which are not.

You’re halfway toward the goal by creating a list of everything that needs to be done. Likewise, make a concrete list of activities that are to be avoided (either altogether, or during work hours).

Commit to daily rituals

Organized people who create greater efficiency in their daily routines ultimately will tell you that one key ingredient to success is knowing how the day will unfold. Besides having a list of must-dos and things not to do, these individuals almost always have substantial periods of structure in daily life.

Whether this be having breakfast at the same time each day, exercising on schedule, or committing to a routine bedtime, well-organized individuals understand that it’s not enough just to maintain professional routines. You must also make sure to keep your personal life regimented in such a way as to avoid irregularities – because irregularities often breed inefficiencies.

Avoid “Multitasking”

Much has been said in recent years about the benefits of multitasking. Unfortunately, multitasking is often born out of necessity rather than efficiency. With the average worker being expected to do more and more with less and less, the need for juggling multiple tasks or responsibilities has become required rather than beneficial.

Well-organized individuals understand that just as you cannot have a cluttered workspace or unorganized home life, it makes no sense to do the same with your workloads or responsibilities. Dedicate specific blocs of time to each required task throughout the day and focus upon them intently. This will save you the frustration of wasting time when you invariably wear out after focusing on too many tasks at once.

Deactivate digital distractions

Phones, social media, tablets: throughout each day, these devices can provide a much-needed distraction from the day-to-day monotony. However, being well-organized and efficient in daily life requires understanding where the unnecessary can be removed from your schedule. Ultimately, these digital distractions are a messy addition to modern life.

During each workday, consider turning off your phone and installing time-sensitive blocks on various websites or apps. This can help keep you from turning to flawed distractions and keep your mind focused on necessary tasks.

Tidy up surroundings

How messy is your office or workspace? If there is clutter within your working area or line of sight, then that itself can be a major distraction that focuses attention elsewhere. Evidence shows that clutter affects mental health in a variety of ways – but well-organized people report getting more done by eliminating that aspect from their daily lives.

Whenever you need a break throughout the day, try focusing that time on improving your immediate surroundings. Whether that be clearing your desk, folding clothes, or replacing seemingly out-of-place items, this can help mitigate yet another distraction that creates inefficiency.

Structure your breaks

The most productive people in the world – if they’re being honest – will tell you that working all day is a sure-fire way to burn out on life. Ultimately, you need periodic breaks throughout the day to re-focus your mind and catch your proverbial breath. However, these breaks should be structured in such a way as to look forward to them each day.

Consider the list of tasks you need to accomplish and create a plan for downtime at regular intervals. Even if it is just five minutes at a time, moving around physically, meditating, or relaxing has been shown to improve overall daily productivity (click here to see the exact benefits). You deserve a break every now and then: just make sure it is regimented properly!

Well-organized people aren’t inherently different from the rest of us, but they do know how to make time work for them. These six tips can help anybody reform their daily routines and get more done in the process!


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