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What is Up With the Facebook Privacy Issue? Things You Should Know

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Everybody uses Facebook to some extent. It is one of the major social media platforms where people share their information and exchange information with one another. It requires a constant connection from both the phone and other electronic devices that one may need. Sometimes even the most powerful phones with 4G connections can have a bad signal, make the Facebook pages freeze, and not respond. In those cases, it is possible to go for a 4G booster. Mobile phone boosters aim to strengthen the signal and stabilize the connection.

Through all the ways that people find to connect to Facebook, they share a lot of personal information that can be subject to many controversies.

During a recent exploit of 50 million personal profiles by a political intelligence firm, Facebook was questioned about its perception of its digital ethics and the actual transparency of how the social media platform operates. The political intelligence firm was Cambridge Analytica, and it received information from up to 50 million Facebook profiles using a personality quiz application from a Global Science Research company researcher. This happened on Friday, and the firm did not destroy the personal profile data afterward, and it rather used the data to target the users as potential voters for the presidential election that took place in 2016.

The data on the personal profiles included information such as identity, friends of the users, and likes.

As mentioned previously, the data was early obtained by a researcher from Global Science Research company in 2013, with the aim of developing a personality prediction application, however, it was later on transferred to the Cambridge Analytica firm without any granted permission. Facebook was informed about this violation in late 2015 and made sure that all the obtained personal information was to be deleted. It was believed to be removed only until a couple of days ago.

The data on the personal profiles included information such as identity, friends of the users, and likes. As mentioned previously, the data was obtained early on by a researcher from Global Science Research company in 2013, with the aim of developing a personality prediction application. However, it was later transferred to the Cambridge Analytica firm without permission. Facebook was informed about this violation in late 2015 and made sure that all the obtained personal information was to be deleted. It was believed to be removed only until a couple of days ago.

This occurrence had an impact on the reputation of Facebook, given the fact that it had been on trial in the court of public opinion for nearly 12 months. Facebook, of course, suspended Cambridge Analytica and is in the process of conducting investigations to ensure that all the personal data was deleted appropriately and wasn’t used for electoral purposes.

In the aftermath of these events, the general public questions whether it’s safe to use Facebook and whether Facebook is actually implementing enough work to be able to protect the personal information given by its users.

In recent news, the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, received a request from the UK parliamentary to provide testimony on how the personal user data from Facebook is managed and in what ways it is obtained, kept, and protected from violations by third parties. There has been no news from Zuckerberg concerning the privacy issue with Cambridge Analytica, but Facebook is expected to provide more information in the upcoming days given the fact that the privacy issue concerns a lot of people with a new wave of events and even involves some political propaganda aspects.


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