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What is a green supply chain and how are they beneficial?

In the last few decades, we have witnessed a rise in environmental issues fuelling global concerns like climate change and global warming. On top of these issues, scarcity of natural resources and an increase in air and water pollution are threatening flora and fauna. Moreover, they are causing various life-threatening diseases in humans, like lung cancer, stroke, hepatitis, cholera, and ischaemic heart diseases.

In the wake of such global concerns, people across the globe began to adopt more eco-friendly practices to reduce environmental degradation and control air, water, and soil pollution. Businesses also began to adopt green practices in their operations to enhance ecological sustainability. But adopting a green supply chain was like killing two birds with one bullet. Along with reducing environmental pollution, the green supply chain reduced production costs. In addition, it gave them a competitive advantage as it helped the business to strengthen its brand image, build its reputation, and enhance customer satisfaction.

For any business to streamline its business operations and want to cut down its costs, the key is to build an efficient supply chain. Trying new initiatives like green supply chain, where you have to optimize your supply chain, can help the environment and help you build an efficient bottom line. You can delve into this article to learn about a green supply chain and its benefits.

What is a green supply chain?

In a green supply chain, we will incorporate eco-friendly methods into the traditional supply chain to reduce its negative environmental impact, control carbon footprint, and boost efficiency. And a business can replace its conventional supply chain with a green one by integrating environmental factors in all its stages. From product development to manufacturing and distribution to the consumers, all these operations will be transformed into green ones.

For instance, while packaging, some of the packaging uses plastic. Businesses should stop using plastic in packaging and shift to more sustainable options. Such eco-friendly measures will not just help to save the environment but will also help the business in numerous ways.

What are the benefits of building a green supply chain?

Apart from the positive environmental impact, they can benefit the business in the following ways:

Reduction of cost

By going green, businesses can save a lot of money by using digital technology that promotes sustainability. In addition, they can implement technologies that will lower energy consumption and promote recycling. For instance, companies will use energy-efficient equipment like CFL bulbs and low-flow toilets, which will conserve natural resources and cut the utility bill.

Moreover, when a business implements green initiatives, it will take measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, they will look for local suppliers and reduce shipments, which will save them the cost of fuel and other transportation charges. Similarly, a business can also contact a company like Business Energy UK and compare business gas rates and electricity rates and find the best supplies that provide green energy. Thus, you can make your business sustainable to the core and can cut short your operating costs.

Promote sustainability of resources

When a business promotes green practices in its supply chain, it will support the re-producing and recycling of products, and companies will be able to reduce waste.

Build brand reputation

This is an era of informed customers who look into the internet before purchasing any product from any business. Since we live in a world flooded with information, having a green supply chain will strengthen your brand reputation. In addition, by promoting the environmental contribution of your organization, you will be able to build and sustain your brand image.

Competitive advantage

Today, customers are conscious and very much aware of the environmental threats looming in the current world. Hence, they are taking environmentally friendly measures and are looking for ways to cut short their carbon footprint. Of course, if these customers find that your business is following unethical practices, they won’t consider your business. But when they learn that your business is environmentally responsible, they will purchase your products. Moreover, customers will be willing to buy your products even if they are costly when they understand your environmentally friendly initiatives.

Tax benefits

When an organization integrates green initiatives into its supply chain, it will implement solar panels and other equipment that qualify for tax credits and incentives by the government and local bodies.

You will get plenty of rewards if you are making changes in your supply chain. Thus, taking eco-friendly action will save the planet, help your business get better margins, and make significant savings.


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