The pioneer of making the world connected in the twine WhatsApp is taking a new peregrination in Android as a new update was made accessible for the app. One of the most popular instant messaging apps with billions of active users is about to uncurl an anecdote for Android users.
Several new enhancements that bolster the app’s usability and functionality are attached in the new update. WhatsApp has been taking a lot of measures to make available the feature to all users across the globe.
Everything About the new WhatsApp Android Update
Some features are now undergoing beta testing, and those users will soon relish the bewitching portraits of the new feature. Aren’t you jaded about the introduction yet? Then maybe you need something else to rejuvenate your thoughts on the new feature. Let’s have a detailed look at the features that have been included by WhatsApp.
The new update of WhatsApp for Android takes center stage under version It has added numerous new features to the platform. Let’s start with an interesting and innovative one,
WhatsApp users will be able to add captions to images and documents while sending them to recipients.
Users can now pile up the group with more images and videos as the new feature allows users to send 100 images and videos at a time, which was previously specified to be 30 only.
WhatsApp Meta Avatar
Then comes one of the update’s most enticing features: the inclusion of Meta Avatar, which is likely to be the pinnacle of WhatsApp’s ability to scale mountains.
The Meta Avatar can also be used to make stickers and profile pictures. The feature update also deploys troops to demolish bugs and boost the performance of the app.