Those who were wondering getting animated GIF feature in WhatsApp, here you have a reason to get overjoyed. The largest messaging platform in the world has added support to the GIF image format for iOS users.
WhatsApp continuously getting updates its features day in, day out. This is certainly required for WhatsApp since amid the competition with other messaging platforms. Google’s entry into this space with its brand new message app Allo has created more bubbles – as it comes with an AI-enabled feature.
The new update by WhatsApp supports animations and will allow users to send and receive GIFs, including Live Photos and shorter videos. There is a GIF editor tool that lets users to add captions, sticker and they can also draw their animation. Not only that, there is also a new feature to trim the video clips and convert into animated GIFs.
If you want to send the Live Photos as GIFs, then go to the Attach > Photo Video Library, touch a Live Photo, click the “Select as GIF” and tap to send.
The latest version, 2.16.15 has a feature that, if your video is 6 seconds or shorter, you can send it as Animated GIF. Android users are still away from these new changes and there is no official announcement until now.
The Facebook-owned company has been testing a new Snapchat-like feature called status over beta version on Android, but still, there is no news about when it will arrive publicly.