On Thursday, WhatsApp Android users got a fingerprint lock feature. This feature was added for iPhones earlier this year and has seen a rollout on Android after much delay. Currently, the feature is visible to beta users on Android.
This new feature will basically allow users to secure their WhatsApp app with their fingerprint data every time someone opens the app on the phone. To get the latest feature you need to update the app from the Google Play Store. Once the update is installed, users need to navigate to the Settings and head into the Privacy setting under the Accounts section to access the feature. Users will see an option to turn on the fingerprint lock.
Additionally, the app will also give an option to hide the content of the messages in the notifications for enhanced security. According to WhatsApp, about 1,400 users around the world were targeted by the Pegasus spyware. WhatsApp claimed that the tool was used to exploit a vulnerability in its video-calling feature to conduct cyber attacks.