Not too long ago, WhatsApp announced a new feature to make the user interface better by rolling out redesigned floating action buttons for Android users. The feature, still under development, hopes to allow users to start a new chat quickly. Since its inception, the Meta-owned platform has continued to improve users’ experience from time to time by introducing user-friendly features.
Keeping on its dedication to ensuring user convenience, the social media platform has now made several changes to its user interface and is now rolling out a tweaked interface with a translucent bars feature for iOS users. The new translucent bar is included in the latest update, which is available on the App Store. Although only some beta testers had access to the feature.
WhatsApp Translucent Bars Feature
With the new tweaked interface featuring translucent bars, WhatsApp aims to offer a more improved interface and a revamped experience. According to WaBetainfo, the company has started pushing out the update even though the application’s official change log makes no note of it.
Additionally, the interface also comes with a navigation bar with the newly revamped sticker tray providing improved navigation and an extensive selection of avatar stickers for picking. Previously, iOS 23.13.78 beta users were the only ones who could use the feature. However, sources claim that the recent update changes the user interface in addition to the bars and accessibility.
To confirm the feature is available for you, if you are an iOS user, simply launch any part of the application on your device. Ensure that you have restarted the app once after installing the most recent version. According to the official changelog, individuals who have not yet acquired the functionality will do so in the following weeks. Additionally, it is advised to restart the application if you have installed the update and are still unable to access the feature.