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Whatsapp Message Yourself Features Finally Drop You off in Your Inbox

There were several situations where we would yearn to forward vital messages or media files to ourselves to make a record of crucial things; meanwhile, these things haven’t been possible without superscribing a few delicate methods to make the symmetrical platform run in the right direction to stay unflustered from things which cause you to bounce back to the original form.

For so long, have you been waiting for the chat with yourself features to knock at your door? Mayhaps, lamenting to ourselves would offer significant relief to all our sorrows. Unlike the third person, the dramatic energy points expel when you chat with yourselves. To make it happen, WhatsApp is now prepping to roll out a new beta feature that allows you to chat with yourself.

How the WhatsApp Message Yourself feature works:

WhatsApp beta for Android update lets you chat with your phone number and stay within your contacts list. But it was accepted in previous releases of WhatsApp for iOS, but this feature cannot be wielded with multiple devices; that possible point was plucked out a few months back.

Eventually, WhatsApp revamps the vantage point to open the chat with your smartphone phone number. Your contact will now be visible right within the contact list. Moreover, a chat option pops up when opening this chat “Message yourself”. The ability to open the conversation with your phone number from your contacts list and the new chance to chat have been rolled out to some users who install the latest version of WhatsApp.


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