Mark Zuckerberg took to Facebook earlier today to announce his plans for 2019, which includes the extension of the WhatsApp Payments feature to more countries, allowing private sharing in groups, making Stories more enhanced and ushering in features to enhance shopping and commerce on Instagram.
Online payment is quickly becoming the most popular method of making payments, and now WhatsApp is gearing up to join the list of apps that will allow users to make direct payments directly through the app without the need to leave the same. To access WhatsApp Payments, one has to open the chat inbox of a particular contact, click the ‘attachment’ icon, and choose the payment option. Following this, users will be able to receive or send money from the app itself without resorting to other apps like Google Pay or PayTm.
While admitting that dealing with security concerns had been the conglomerate’s priority over the last 18 months, Zuckerberg has said that the attention shall now be shifted to adding more features to the concerned apps, with added emphasis on messaging. Private group sharing and Stories are expected to be enhanced with innovative new features, while on Instagram, innovation shall be more focused on making shopping and related commercial experiences more interactive.
Zuckerberg has claimed that Facebook aims to enhance interaction not only at the level of family and friends, but also intends to include the involvement of the wider community.