After a long period of testing, WhatsApp stickers were finally made available to iOS and Android users about a month ago. However, the way in which stickers are included in the app may have a small problem on iPhones.
Unlike competing applications that offer the same functionality as Telegram, WhatsApp users who want to add the Stickers to their messenger collection need to download other applications with separate packages of stickers.
To make this process easier, WhatsApp included a link to the iOS App Store, which redirects to various options for users to download. In a recent update made via the server, the company turned off this button completely. If the company chose to stick to the current sticker download method, the App Store would eventually fill up with hundreds of little different sticker applications. However, Apple has already made it clear that it does not like the idea very much, bypassing individual applications. And that might be why WhatsApp decided to remove the link.
At this time, quickly searching the App Store for WhatsApp sticker pack applications will bring few options. It is quite unlikely that Apple will decide to change on this program, so creating an alternate sticker store inside the messenger itself seems to be the most viable option for Whatsapp.