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Whatsapp’s Privacy Settings Will Help You Decide Who Can Add You to Groups

Oindrila Banerjee
Oindrila Banerjee
A English Literature student, love reading books, love literature and history, and enthusiastic about travelling. She likes to read random pieces of information and like watching films. She likes how refreshing it is to learn something new everyday. Her goal is to earn enough to take a trip round the globe.

WhatsApp has been gaining popularity as a messaging platform since its inception, and WhatsApp Groups have become an effective way of efficiently communicating with some people simultaneously. But what if the Groups allow for effective communication, they react in a dire lack of privacy. To smoothen this issue, WhatsApp has now decided to add new Privacy Settings for Groups that will allow users to choose the Groups they wish to join without being added arbitrarily.

This feature essentially allows users to ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’ Group Invites before being added to a group. To enable this feature, a user simply has to visit Settings ˃Account > Privacy > Groups and select whether they wish to receive invites from “Nobody,” “My Contacts,” or “Everyone.” In the case of  ‘My Contacts,’ only the people present in a user’s address book will be able to send a private invite via personal chat, which the user will be at a discretion to ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’ within the next 72 hours, following which the link will expire. In case of an expired link, users will either have to wait for a new invite or remain unable to join the group altogether. Furthermore, no user shall receive more than one group invite from the same group at the same time.

Needless to say, the new feature will enhance user privacy and control when it comes to Groups. This feature has already been rolling out to some devices today and shall go global within the next two weeks.


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