One of the biggest perks we, as humans have today is the unlimited information flow provided by the internet at any given time. As we live in times where we have access to global content and information, we think little about our safety while browsing the internet. That is where VPN steps in.
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What is VPN and how does it work?
VPN or Virtual Private Network is used to reroute your internet connection into a private, more stable one, with high encryption protocols and online security. Functioning as a shield that masks your IP address, VPN ensures safety from any potential cyber-attacks, firewall breaches, or location tracking that may occur while browsing the internet.
By connecting to a virtual private server that can be located anywhere in the world you mask your online identity and location from prying eyes or attacks.

Although it is not necessary to use a VPN when surfing the internet. It is always a good thing to have it when there is a lot of sensitive data being transferred on a daily or weekly basis.
One of the main reasons why you need a VPN is to protect your personal information or company data from any potential malicious intent like hacking your email account, exposing company data to the open internet, being tracked by third-party viewers and others.
By creating a strong and safe connection you are free to surf the web without limitations
Using the principle of tunneled protocol, VPN ensures that the internet traffic being sent through it remains intact and safe from any harm that may intercept it on the way thus, providing you with not only fast connection and response time but with an extra layer of security for your traffic or data.
10 situations where you need VPN
As said above, VPN is a tool that will provide you with extra security when needed and ensure that your anonymity online stays intact. Still, there are also other useful purposes to this software that may come to use in your everyday activity.
1. Unblocking Netflix, and other streaming services regional content
Netflix, as well as other streaming services, are usually license bound to certain territories or areas. This is usually due to streaming services having license deals with governments or their streaming laws. Using VPN you can change your IP address and by doing that bypass every geographical restriction.
2. Accessing online bank accounts while overseas
Simply out of security reasons, banks will often tie your bank account to your country and you will often find it hard to gain access to your bank account while travelling. VPN will enable you to connect to the server in your own country and thus provide access to your online bank account.
3. Block malware
A large number of VPN service providers have the option to block any malicious malware that may appear and this is simply due to the fact that they want to keep us as safe as possible while using the internet. Although these services may vary, the intentions stay the same.
4. Protect access to public Wi-Fi hotspots
Using the public internet can bring harm to you and your data simply because these connections are not secure and often are viewed to have a potential for cyber-attacks or data leakage due to the fact that these connections are not safe enough. VPN provides a safer, unbreachable connection between you and the internet to make sure all your data and information are safe.
5. Avoid ISP and web tracking
ISP or Internet Service Providers are usually bound to keep an eye on your internet data usually because of security and safety reasons for the government or anyone who they may have a license with.
By doing so, they limit your online activities, but with the help of a VPN, you will become invisible to any tracking service and may explore the internet freely. This is one of the main reasons why you need a VPN.
6. Bypass censorship
Most governments censor certain websites for political, religious or moral reasons and were hard to bypass until VPN made its way to the internet. Changing your IP address to that country you will be able to gain access to blocked websites.
7. Using WhatsApp in China
China is one of the most oppressed countries in the world with its government blocking any outside information or websites. Apps like WhatsApp use data connection and are blocked in China, so using a VPN will allow you to access the app.
8. Unblocking YouTube
We all enjoy a good quality YouTube video, but we all stumbled upon a video that was not available in our country. That is because countries put limitations on certain content on the website and using a VPN will allow you to run around those blocks and enjoy your free content.
9. Access Disney Plus (Disney+)
Like other streaming services Disney+ is unavailable in most countries, mostly due to geographical restrictions. Another reason why you need a VPN is that it will allow you to gain access to Disney plus as well as other streaming services.
10. Watching the NBA and staying in touch with current events
NBA is a huge hit and it gains more fans each day but not everyone can enjoy this sport as easily as others can. You guessed it, this is where you need a VPN in order to stay in touch with your favourite teams and matches without missing a thing.

Stay safe from prying eyes and enjoy the worlds free content whenever you desire
As we see above, VPN is a great tool that will benefit you in any possible way and there is absolutely no reason why you should not use one today.