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Why is Bitcoin Referred to as Decentralized Monetary System?

People consider bitcoin the same as fiat currencies. Undoubtedly, some features make bitcoin and fiat currencies the same, but there are a large number of features that distinguish between bitcoin and other currencies. Bitcoin is a digital currency that can be used globally and converted into other currencies like Rupee, US dollar, and more. 

The main factor that makes bitcoin interesting and different from other currencies is its decentralized nature. It is often referred to as a decentralized monetary system widely used in buying and selling products and services. Users can make huge money by trading with Immediate Edge.

Here, in this article, we will learn the decentralized monetary system in detail and will know how bitcoin is different. 

There are two main aspects of bitcoin that makes it a digital and modern monetary system like the Euro or Dollar, which are: 

User anonymity 

Many individuals and businesses use bitcoin because they don’t want to reveal their real identities. As with fiat currencies, we buy and sell products using an internet connection; we can do the same with bitcoin. The main thing that distinguishes this is sensitive personal information. 

While making transactions through bitcoin, no bank or central authority is involved; therefore, the users are not required to share their personal information like bank account details, phone number, debit/credit card details, and more. User anonymity is one of the main factors that influenced people in a positive way, and people shifted to digital currencies


Decentralized means no involvement of third-parties. The founder of bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, focused on creating a system that eliminates the intermediaries like financial institutions or central authority.

No governments are involved in printing, circulating, or observing the money; instead, the money or bitcoins are created by users themselves. This makes bitcoin a decentralized monetary system. 

What is a Decentralized Monetary System? 

To understand the whole term, decentralized monetary system in detail, it is first crucial to understand the term centralized. A centralized monetary system is a system in which the central authority or financial institutions are involved and are responsible for everything happening in the economy, from putting rules and regulations to minting money and whatnot. 

In a centralized system, almost everything depends on policies and laws made by the government. All the transactions pass from users to financial institutions to governments, and they store all information of users. The data is stored to keep details of disputes handling and law enforcement monitoring functions. 

Now when you understood a centralized monetary system, it will be easy to understand the term decentralization. A decentralized system is a complete reverse of a centralized. In a decentralized monetary system, the main element missing is third-parties’ involvement.

The work is carried in a vague system, and it totally depends on every country’s law and financial policies to take it out. It is essential to understand how bitcoins are mined and the future of this decentralized monetary system.

The bitcoin network is entirely based on blockchain technology, which is another main factor that makes it different from fiat currencies. It is quite easy to understand the blockchain technology and working of it. 

The Future of Decentralized Blockchain 

People store their fiat currencies in bank accounts, and the people who have bank accounts can query about their cash flow, account balance, and can understand sent or received.

The financial institutions store all the sensitive personal information of users in their database to provide answers to queries of clients. When it comes to auditing rules, there are two main rules that every bank follows, which are: 


The banks have a notebook (database) that tends to write every detail on pages. If a bank is writing something on page 1, then it means that the transactions that appear on page 1 aren’t valid yet, and therefore the clients make queries about the invalid things. 


Irreversibility means that the banks started doing transaction entries on page 10 means they can never do bank and change anything on page 1. A transaction entry, once made, can never be reversed or altered.

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