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Why your site needs WordPress file integrity scanning?

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All the people who have a WordPress site know how hard it is to maintain its files. Leftover database, backup and source code files that developers and plugins leave behind are quite popular. Later on, these unused files are one of the most obvious causes of data breaches

Now, the questions are:

Do you have any such leftover on your WordPress website? Or have you ever had an experience of cleaning a WordPress site from a malware infection?

In a case, if your site gets hacked by someone. 

It is nearly impossible to identify the infiltration and know all the source code changes. Do you have any idea then how would you find out which code was wrong?

Identifying issues at an initial stage are so important – it enables you to mitigate and restrict the attacks.

In this post, I’ll explain how WordPress File integrity scanning, also commonly known as file monitoring changes, helps you know the answers of all the above-mentioned questions. 

What is File integrity monitoring?

File integrity monitoring (FIM) is a method that examines files on a system to discover if they have been corrupted. File integrity scanners or monitors are utilized to examine the databases, operating system, application software and any additional files discovered on the system, such as a WordPress site.

File Integrity scanning or file integrity monitoring or file integrity checking software operates by building a cryptographic hash (fingerprint) of any file or number of files. 

Well, whenever the content of file modifies, so does its fingerprint. Thus, whenever the file integrity scanner notices the difference in the file’s fingerprint it informs the administrator.

Reasons for getting file integrity checks on WordPress websites:

It monitors file changes 

In the case of your site, a WordPress file integrity scanner plugin like the Website File Changes Monitors aids you in maintaining the track of the integrity of your WordPress site & files. It helps you ensure:

● If you have added any new theme or plugin then it has not changed any of the files on your website

● No developers’ unused files such as database and unused code and script files are there on the site

● In case of a hack, you can simply find where the malware was added and which files were tampered 

With WordPress File Integrity Scanning, you can manage and protect the safety of your WordPress website and files.

Hassle-free file integrity scanning

There are several accessible on the standard WordPress plugins repository and several all in one security systems also hold a file integrity monitoring module with them. One such security system is Sucuri.

But, the Website File Changes Monitoring system for WordPress reaches out of all and there are many reasons for that. Some of them are because, it:

● monitors all the files involving any customization you may have on your WordPress website

● utilizes a smart technology that identifies WordPress plugins, core updates, themes installs and uninstalls so it does not overflow you with numbers of fake positive alerts implying a false alarm.

Additionally, the plugin identifies file variations by examining the fingerprints in scans rather than examining the scan results of your site. This is mainly to create a primary repository, which typically also makes a number of false positives.

Analysis of file changes in your website

While file integrity monitoring can be done by a lot of non-WordPress tools, various usually need a knowledge curve to operate, configure and work.

Instead, an uncomplicated way, if not better with finer-tuned results would be to utilize the Website File Changes Monitor plugin for WordPress. This plugin has smart technology that identifies WordPress plugins and theme updates, core, installs, and uninstallations. So it does not give a false positive raising alarm!

Enhanced WordPress security solution

For the WordPress site, The Website File Changes Monitor plugin is very easy to use. Once you install it, soon it will start monitoring your website for file changes.

This plugin is a zero-admin plugin. All non-executable media data, like JPGs, are prohibited from the scan by itself. Hence you do not require configuring much unless you need to eliminate anything else or modify the scan list. 

Install the WordPress file changes plugin from the standard repository and get an extra layer of WordPress safety to your website!


As discussed above, in most of the cases, the firewall hinders malicious hack assaults. WordPress activity records contain the list of miscellaneous activities also assists you in discovering the ways attackers are attempting to hack your WordPress website. These records also aid you to know the malicious activity, enabling you to prevent attacks prior to they actually occur.

WordPress file integrity scanning ensures that no files on your website can flow the vital data and identify the code modifications in a post-attack review.

It aids you to find where specifically trojans, backdoors, and other malware exist and facilitates the method of cleaning and improving your WordPress site.


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