Xiaomi launched a new variant of Mi 8, with 8 GB RAM and 128 GB storage, in China today. The first variant of the phone, that followed the Xiaomi Mi 6, was launched alongside Mi Band 3 and MIUI 10 at the 8th-anniversary event in Shenzhen in May 2018 and boasted of 6 GB RAM along with various onboard storage options leading up to 256 GB.
Coming to its features, Xiaomi Mi 8 is equipped with a 6.21-inch Super AMOLED display having a resolution of 2248 x 1080 pixels. The phone has an aspect ratio of 18:7:9; and is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 845. Among its other features, Mi 8 boasts of a dual 12-megapixel rear camera setup with a secondary sensor that serves as a zoom lens for 2x optical zoom; and a 20-megapixel selfie camera, with f/2.0 aperture and 1080p video recording support. The premium smartphone features an aluminum frame and a glass back.
The Xiaomi Mi 8 series, as of today, includes Mi 8, Mi 8 SE and Mi 8 Explorer Edition; with the latest variant being priced at 3299 Yuan (approximately Rs 33,000) in China. In June 2018, the company claimed to have become the fastest seller of one million units of the smartphone, having sold the same within 18 days, thus beating OnePlus 6’s record of selling a million units within 22 days.Mi