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5 Core Reasons So Many Apps Are Failing in the Market

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The application market is flooded with all kinds of apps. It seems that everyone is making mobile applications nowadays, yet very few apps make it to the top of the app chain and actually succeed. People are wondering why it is so, but the truth is that most of the apps are poorly done, ineffective, or simply useless.

There are literally millions of Android and iOS apps out there that are created, used a few times, got a bad review, and left forgotten. If you’ve decided to create a mobile app in order to turn a profit or create something useful for the sake of achievement, take a look at these few reasons why so many apps fail.

Lack of Research

The app market is crowded and competitive, which makes it difficult for a new app to truly shine. However, competition is not a real problem. Most apps fail because they were made based on improper research, and unable to “hit the spot” with the audience. Research is of the utmost importance because it allows you to scan the market and competition and spot the trends among the crowds.

If your app is going to make it to the top, you must identify your target audience and find out what your competitors are doing right (and wrong). This will help you exploit your competitors’ weaknesses and satisfy your target audience’s needs.

Bad Execution

If you are going to make an app, make sure you do it right. Keep in mind that users and customers expect quality if they are going to use or purchase an app. Most apps fail because they lack integrity and functionality – the source code is okay, but a working app is just not performing that well.

App Development Reasons

Lagging, glitches, slowing down the device, or being slow itself will make users abandon ship or, in this case, your app. Also, a lack of good user experience and interface will reduce your app’s interest. Customers will leave if the features are too complicated or unavailable due to some error, you guessed it. That takes us back to research. If you do your research properly, you can discover what your audience wants, needs, and prefers. That way, you can build a quality app and release it in the market.

Lack of Testing

Just making an app isn’t enough to push it through the market. After all, how will you know if it works right if you don’t test it? There are so many untested apps that are released into the market that simply fail for one reason or the other. If you want your app to be widely accepted and popular, it has to work properly. The only way to achieve this is to test it to its limits.

If you test both basic and advanced app features, you can identify bugs and fix them accordingly. Also, it is important to monitor your app’s performance and usability with a mobile analytics solution on a regular basis in order to fix and improve anything that doesn’t meet the expectations.

Lack of Cross-Platform Support

Creating an app for just one platform is a good way to secure your app’s failure. Different platforms have different interfaces, meaning they respond differently to inputs. Users that are using other platforms are accustomed to a specific interface, specific buttons or even specific gestures. Not having different platforms in mind when building an app will result in frustrated users who can cause an outbreak of bad reviews. Bad reviews mean pretty much a guaranteed demise for your app. When building an app make sure it is cross-platform supported, as this will make the rest of your job a lot easier.

Bad Marketing Approach

In order to grow interested in your app, you have to market it properly. Bad marketing or lack of marketing will result in your app failing because people have never heard of it or they were unsatisfied with what they got. For instance, if you promote your app and its additional features, but because of the absence of testing, those features don’t work, your customers won’t be happy and will likely give you a bad reputation. Furthermore, if you don’t promote your app at all, the best you can hope for is some poor soul stumbling upon it by accident.

These are just a few core reasons most apps fail. In order to design a good app and ensure its success on the market, you must first do your research. Remember, you need quality and functionality if you want to impress the users and an original idea that will appeal to your audience in the first place.

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