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6 Top Digital Marketing Trends That Will Die in 2018

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Digital marketing is a field that is constantly developing. In fact, for the first time ever, expenditures for digital marketing in the US have surpassed that of marketing for TV, or any other form for that matter. Businesses are starting to realize that everyone is online these days, especially on social media, and that digital marketing is the perfect vehicle for them to reach out to their customers. However, the problem with digital marketing, despite its effectiveness, is that it’s very hard to predict what’s going to be the next big thing since marketing trends come and go pretty rapidly.

Customers are no longer interested in mediocre content, traditional ads, and generic visuals. They are looking for a more personal experience, and they seek out brands which can provide them with that. – says Francisco Saylor, who is Head of Marketing for Careers Booster.

So which digital marketing trends are destined to become obsolete in 2018? Keep on reading.

1. Banner Ads

Huge banner ads have been around forever, and it really feels like they have overstayed their welcome. People are primarily looking for useful content, and all those banners are nothing more than a distraction. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t advertise your product, service, or brand, but it does mean you should be more subtle about it.

The way to do it would be to rely on native advertising. Native ads not only look as if they’re a part of the platform on which they are being shown, but they also generate more leads than traditional ads and banners.

2. Shorter Content

There seems to be a misconception that long-form content is a thing of the past since people don’t have the time or the patience to read through it, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

Long-form articles can do wonders for your SEO, plus they are better at attracting users interested in detailed content, making them more likely to purchase an item from you. Long-form articles have developed a bad reputation because most of them are full of filler content and aren’t formatted properly.

3. Generic Stock Images

Although they are still around, and probably will be for a while, stock images are a thing of the past. Nowadays, people are looking for visuals that hit a more personal note with them. For instance, they are more likely to respond positively to an image that is actually relevant, or even generated by other users, as it the case on Instagram. Also, they love videos, which is perfect for viewing on smartphones and tablets, plus it’s cheaper to produce than ever.

4. Quantity instead of Quality

While it’s important to produce content on a regular basis, it shouldn’t be done at the expense of quality. Plenty of marketers are still looking to produce a ton of content, which gives them a chance to boost their SEO and, hopefully, their blog’s ranking.

But, even more, content is the last thing your customers need. There is too much of it as it is. Instead, they are probably more interested in content that addresses their pain points and provides them with useful tips they can actually apply.

5. Fake User Reviews

Instead of simply trusting ads, potential customers turn to online reviews posted by other users in order to get a better idea of a product or a service.

However, there are plenty of businesses out there that have used this trend to populate review websites with fake glowing reviews about their own brand. The good news is that people have started to see through them, which renders them ineffective and obsolete.

6. Not Engaging People on Social Media

Potential customers are more likely to make a purchase if you engage them in some way on social media. They respond with a more personal approach. On top of this, social media is also a great way to provide your followers and customers with additional support channels, along with your phone and email.


We hope that this article has helped you better understand digital marketing trends set to dominate the marketing landscape in 2018. Now you can set up your marketing strategy in order to achieve the best results. Good luck.


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