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Star Trek: Discovery Gets a New Opening Sequence

Bipasha Mandal
Bipasha Mandal
Bipasha Mondal is writer at TechGenyz

Star Trek: Discovery season 3 is almost here. This season will be focused on delivering a return to the original Star Trek, at a time when exploration of the space was favored over action. Discovery, the fans are hoping, could introduce new places, new themes, and also new aliens.

In addition to the recently launched short clip from the upcoming season which shows a titillating fighting scene between Book and an alien, also traces out the fall of Michael Burnham.

Start Trek: Discovery series’ official Twitter handle also launched the new opening credit for the series. The short 1 minute 30 seconds long opening credit looks something out of da Vinci’s old notebooks with his drawings and sketches of various machines.

The skillful sketched-animation gives its fans some ideas about what to expect from the season. The various drawings showcased in the opening credit outline the structural architecture of various spacecraft, spacesuits, and of course a handful of alien living things.

The entire scene looks like something straight out of a Renaissance scientific drawing, and this feeling is solidified at the end of the credit which shows the drawing of two space-suit clad hands reaching out and almost touching each other, clearly modeled after Michelangelo’s painting ‘The Creation of Man.’

The trailers for Discovery season 3 have teased a cataclysmic event called the “Burn” that destroyed the Federation some time ago, and it seems like Burnham and her crew are poised to both uncover the circumstances around it and find a way to revive the broken Federation. A few days before the episode airs, new images have surfaced.

The images show Burnham after she had crash-landed into the 32nd century; the photos also depict her interacting with the newcomer character Book. The Discovery trailers have made it abundantly clear that Burnham will eventually find her way to her crew members, and Book, perhaps, could turn out to be a great ally to Burnham and her team.

The first episode of Star Trek: Discovery will air on October 15.


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