In a published patent today, Amazon revealed its ideas for a Blended-Reality Mirror. The mirror will use sophisticated technologies to blend the reflection of the object with a virtually real background. In doing so, it aims to provide Amazon customers with the ability to try out dresses virtually and do it in an accurate backdrop.
This new technology is an upgrade of Amazon’s pre-existing Echo Look Camera. The Echo Look Camera, still being marketed as an invitation-only ‘style-assistant’, takes a picture and blends it with a virtually real background. What it fails to do, however, is complete the effect in real-time. The Blended-Reality Mirror, with its complex network of cameras, projectors, mirrors, displays, and lights, has set out to do just that.
When the user views the mirror, the user sees a reflection from the mirror of illuminated objects in the scene and the transmitted images from the display device through the mirror, the transmitted images being perceived as part of the reflected scene. – Inventors