Avengers: Infinity War is the inception of the vast conflict MCU has gone through the build-up of in the past decade, since the release of Iron Man in 2008. The movie is now officially out on Digital HD, letting you be in the comfort of home while watching Marvel’s superheroes in a brawl to save the world.
This digital release, along with the movie itself, also brings a bundle of unseen extras that did not make into the theatrical cut of the film. These include featurettes explaining the backstory of a few characters that led to joining the team up for this movie. Additionally, you will even get to see the history of Thanos.
Other additions include some deleted and extended scenes. One most important content is a behind-the-scenes feature that shows how the two huge battles on Wakanda and Titan were created and filmed.
The digital version of the movie can be watched on these devices: iPhone, iPad, Android devices, PS4, Xbox One, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and the devices that support iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Vudu, and Fandango.
A physical copy of the film will be coming a bit later. It will be launching on 4K Blu-ray, standard Blu-ray, and DVD on August 14, with pre-orders already on. This physical copy will bring more special features.
The movie is the first among the MCU movies that feature heroes from all worlds across the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They come together against Thanos from collecting all infinity stones and from destroying the creations (lives) of the worlds. The subjected conflict will be ending in the fourth Avengers movie that’s still unnamed and is scheduled to come in 2019.