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Top 5 Best Valorant Agents to Equip in May 2022 That You Should Know About

Amar Roy
Amar Roy
An enthusiastic gamer who enjoys writing about games and playing BR genre games.

Best Valorant agents in May 2022: Riot Games is constantly updating the game with stabilization patches and regularly introducing additional agents to the game. The abilities of agents and weapons change with every new game patch.  Due to nerfs, multiple agents now have top-tier prestige, which must have been a major drawback previously. The game meta in Competitive matches is affected by the same changes. 

Every agent has their own set of abilities, but some are more compelling than others. The abilities of agents and weapons change with every new game patch. Since the game’s release, the Valorant’s options for agents have grown, and there are now 18 agents in the game. Aside from the weapons, more or less every agent has unique skills. The game meta in Competitive matches is affected by the same changes. In this article, we’ll list the 5 best Valorant agents in May 2022.

Top 5 best Valorant agents in May 2022


Viper is an expert at inflicting toxin destruction on a particular target or an entire adversary squad. The majority of her skills deal chip damage instead of massacring adversaries, hence why she requires huge backing so that someone else can take advantage of the opponent’s vulnerability. Viper is among the best Valorant agents in May 2022. She has the ability to throw highly toxic smoke grenades that not only block chokepoints and moreover enable her to access them without taking any damage. 


Sova can efficaciously and actively seek out opponents and share the information with the team members using abilities like the Owl Drone and Recon Bolt. In comparison to certain other agents, he is still quite difficult for newbies to scoop up considering the amount of work schedule he necessitates.  He is one of the best Valorant agents in May 2022. Furthermore, skills like Shock Bolt as well as Hunter’s Fury provide him with a lot of offensive potentials.


Chamber is quickly being a fan favorite among players who enjoy using the Operator and engaging in battles from the start. Up to the present, no agent had been able to compare her deceptive playstyle, which must have managed to keep her meta so far. He possesses the ability to teleport, which allows him to move around the map more rapidly. Chamber is the popular and among the best Valorant agents in May 2022.


Whenever it comes to controllers, Astra is definitely the great option among the available agents. Astra could indeed create Astral Stars which can subsequently be initiated to give her a range of skills and abilities. Astra is the fourth best Valorant agents in May 2022. Her Ultimate creates a massive wall that dampens noise and blocks heavy fire, dividing the full island in half. Although she is difficult to operate, a decent Astra player is a valuable part of the team.


Jett is quick, maneuverable, and can get out of almost any scenario she finds herself in.  She’s an excellent choice for gamers who prefer offensive gameplay instead of playing a supportive role in the team. With her smokes, she furthermore adds some value to the team. Her abilities enable her to travel to unusual places on the maps and to innovate with verticality. Last but not least, Jett is among the best Valorant agents as of May 2022. 

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