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Captain Marvel Trailer Released Today; Grossed 100 Million Yuan in China

Bipasha Mandal
Bipasha Mandal
Bipasha Mondal is writer at TechGenyz

Today marks the day not only of International Working Women’s Day but also the release of one of the most highly anticipated Marvel movies this year, Captain Marvel. The last Marvel movie, Avengers: Infinity War, left each and every fan in a complete frenzy and utter chaos. Thanos, at the snap of his fingers, wiped out half of the population of the entire universe and among those half wiped out population includes some of our cherished and beloved Marvel comics characters.

Captain Marvel is Marvel’s first heroine independent film, and it will lay some serious foundation for the fourth and last movie of the Avengers franchise, Avengers 4: The Final Battle. Avengers 4 is set to release in May all over the world, and fans are waiting eagerly for May to come soon.

Captain Marvel, without any doubt, is one of the most important films in the Marvel series. It will help shed some light on the events of Infinity War and may also decide Thanos’s fate in the upcoming Avengers movie. Captain Carol combines superpowers, high intelligence, and some smooth and awesome battle strengths. The film narrates the identity of the Captain, her growth experience, the source of her strength, etc to name a few.

The story apparently takes place pre-Thanos, pre-apocalypse Marvel universe. So in a way, Captain Marvel is a prequel to the Avengers 3: Infinity War. This is the first movie of Captain Marvel and it should be noted that Chris Evans’ (Captain America) contract with Marvel ended last year. It may also indicate that Marvel fans may see Captain Marvel as the leader of the pack in the future.

In China alone, this movie has grossed nearly 100 million yuan in the box office. There is no doubt that this movie is bound to break most of the records in terms of net gross all over the world.


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