Do you want a place to stream your online content? If so, Twitch is certainly the right platform for you to do just that. It is an online streaming service that focuses on video game-related content. It also has other videos available on the platform. You can surely find videos that are related to your hobby here. It has become one of the most popular sites where you can stream your own content.
If you plan to become a streamer on Twitch, you will have plenty of potential audience or regulars. However, the competition is fierce. You will have to find ways to make people notice your channel. Here are some ways you can do to increase your followers on Twitch.
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Let People See You
It is important for your audience to see you. Your potential audience wants to know what you look like when you interact with the audience through your camera. People will also want to see the change of your expression when you read out their comments. It makes your content more personal. Plus, everyone will want to put a face to the voice they are listening to.
Attend Meetups and Events
You can also attend Twitch meetups and events. It is one way for you to interact with your followers and those who have the same hobby as you do. There are plenty of gaming and streaming events held by Twitch every year. It can be an avenue for you to increase your followers and meet new people like you. MineCon, Twitch Con, PAX, and Supernova are some of the highly recommended Twitch events you can participate in. You can also check Facebook or Twitter for the next event and its dates.

Bonus Tip: When you are attending an event, make sure to have business cards with you. Many people will want to know your contact information. You can save time by having your business cards ready.
Take Advantage of Social Media
Most people who are new to Twitch do not see how crucial other social media sites are in increasing the number of followers. Most of the popular Twitch streamers use social media sites to communicate and update their followers on a more personal level. You can also get LinkedIn connections when you update accounts on other social media platforms. It can also assist your need on how to increase LinkedIn connections.
Bonus Tip: Update your accounts personally. Don’t fill your social media page with automated messages from Twitch. Your followers will find it robotic and annoying.
Get a Great Twitch Layout
Spend time and money in getting a great design for your Twitch layout. The design and quality of your layout can attract more audience to your streams. Adding widgets can also add to the aesthetic quality of your channel. If you don’t have experience with graphics or layouts, you will not have to worry. There are plenty of options you can choose from. You can visit Twitchoverlay for premium layouts or you can visit WDflat for free overlays.
Consistently Stream on Twitch and on Other Sites
You must consistently stream or upload content on Twitch and on other streaming sites. It will be hard for viewers to discover your channel if you don’t stream that much. You should stream at least three hours a day. It puts you on the higher rankings in daily Twitch search results which means more exposure for you as well. You don’t have to stream a lot, but the more you stream, the more viewers you attract.
You can also stream your content on other sites like Youtube, Mixer, or Restream. It increases your reach to potential viewers. Most if not all will follow your account back to Twitch which increases your viewers as well. It does not require much effort on your part too. Just make sure that all of the accounts have your Twitch channel on the description.
Streaming on Twitch means that you will have a large community of people who share the same hobbies and interests as you. It is not limited to a single interest only, but it encourages artists to stream as well. You may earn money when you share your content. The viewers can click on the donation button. However, it does not mean that you will earn immediately when you join Twitch. The more viewers you have, the more you will earn.